Version Control at Yale
For CPSC334, we will use the version control tool git
to manage the code you write.
You may use one of the following platforms:
- Github: good for making your code publicly available. Github provides private repositories with a student account or a paid account. Also provides a nice way to make a free personal website with Github Pages.
- Gitlab: good for keeping private repositories. Gitlab provides unlimited private repositories.
- Yale’s Github: also good for private repositories. Can only be accessed via the Yale network (including VPN). Unclear how long your code will exist after you graduate. Also unclear who owns any IP associated with code on Yale Github.
Each platform has its own set of pros and cons - you must choose which to use based on your personal preference.
After you have chosen a platform, please make a repository for the first module (Generative Art). If your repository is public, please send us a link to each repository. If your repository is private, please add both Prof. Petersen and Mark as collaborators. We will use these repos to evaluate your submissions. Some factors that will influence your grade are frequency of commits, size of commits, and quality of commit messages.