Creative Embedded Systems
This website holds the materials for Creative Embedded Systems. A version of this course was taught at Yale, Fall 2020 as CPSC334. A second version of this course will be taught at Barnard/Columbia, Spring 2021 as COMS 3930.
The syllabus for COMS 3930 is available here.
Office hours Mondays 3-4pm EST and Fridays 1-2pm EST. Link available on Courseworks.
While most of these materials are generalizable outside the context of Yale abd Barnard/Columbia, some material is specific to the resources available on campus.
The course text is co-written by Scott Petersen and Mark Santolucito. This is an evolving text, so expect changes.
You can navigate the materials with the bar to the left. Please let us know about typos or other errata via email.